Thursday, January 31, 2013
Children, today we are going to practice division

My first thought was to share this picture on Facebook. Thanks, Janet Murtha. But I would just stir up a hornets' nest with few, if any, cogent comments. So I am posting here and anyone who is on Facebook can look here if they want.
Thought about the nostalgia of teaching. Then I thought about all the paperwork that would be required every time there was a problem in this classroom. I imagine a bullet proof vest is not comfortable either.
Maybe it is better to be retired.
Was talking with a flight attendant and trying to imagine what it is like to be on a plane so often, with the concern over some malfunction always being possible. Then it dawned on me that statistically it must be more probable to to get killed working as a teacher than being part of a flight crew. Don't get a teaching certificate, Loretta.
Janet also posted this:

I thought the highest gun death rate would be in states with large urban areas. Turns out the highest gun death rates are in the rural states where I would have assumed guns would be used primarily for hunting. I thought gun related deaths would be in the urban ghettos.
As a country, if the trends continue, we soon will have more people dying from the use of firearms than getting killed in car crashes.
Support the legalization of tactical nuclear weapons. Remember nukes don't kill people, people kill people.