Saturday, December 08, 2012


2012 Christmas letter - short version

2012 is rapidly winding down and it has been a good year. There are many events to note and celebrate.

BYRNA started the year by moving to a different hospital when the micro lab at Good Samaritan closed and the work moved to Tacoma General. So Byrna’s work moved as well. Learning new methods and protocols with a high work load resulted in a lot of stress. With time the stress has diminished. Hiking and the Native Plant Society are her primary interests.

BOB decided that he would retire at the end of the school rather than teaching one more year. The additional time creates many new opportunities and positive things to do. He is trying to get caught up with a backlog of unfinished projects and put more time into his hobby of photography. He now has more time to visit his Dad in Pullman and was there to help him celebrate turning 93.

We had a great trip to Joshua Tree National Park in California. In September, following our niece Kari’s joyful wedding near Antelope, Oregon, we also discovered there are some great places to explore in Eastern Oregon. We had never heard of Smith Rock State Park. It was great. The Hood River area had a lot of interesting places, also. We ended our trip with a fun visit to the Prosser hot air balloon festival. A lot of hiking in the Cascade Mountains and Mt. Rainier National Park helped fill in the time in between trips.

Family has been a source of excitement, as well. Niece Nashesha Rowberg is spending her 9th grade school year with Rick and Sarah. This is quite a change from Tanzania. Sonja Schaeffer, another niece, came as a freshman to PLU from Indiana. Granddaughter Erin Ruth Hennebert was born in July to be the third new arrival in our immediate area. She is an endless source of amusement and pleasure.

SARAH AND RICK LIEU live close by and their boys, Adam (7) and Brandon (5) frequently add excitement and interesting events to our schedule.

DIANE AND BEN HENNEBERT live about 40 minutes away. A very large fibroid caused Diane to spend most of her pregnancy on bed rest. Now with the arrival of Erin, we find our way up to Covington frequently.

JAMEY AND MONICA KLAVANO live across town. Jamey is hard working and resourceful, and has helped out a lot around our house.

The picture is at Thanksgiving with Sarah and Diane and their families. Our extended narrative of the year along with a lot of pictures is at . Bob is starting a website displaying some of his pictures at . Email for Byrna is and for Bob at .

Best wishes for Christmas and for 2013.

I missed this until today. post all your comments on facebook here. i will read them eventually.

Do you get more stuff done in retirement? I realizied recently if i retired i mignt not do all that stuff I think i would. So I am not going to retire soon.
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